Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
YES! Little B recieved his passport today! This is an answer to prayer! We are excited! (Can you tell?) Our friend, Chris, was praying that the passport would go through this week . . . and it did! Yesterday, we met together and prayed. Chris is in the process of adopting one of the little girls from the orphanage. On Sunday, she fasted and prayed regarding adoption and the speedy arrival of Little B for medical care. "I'm praying that the paperwork gets pushed through for Little B," she said. The Lord has seen, and the Lord has heard. Thank you Lord for seeing, hearing, and taking action for our little guy!
Monday, August 24, 2009

My mother met with Beth and her daughter, Anna, today. Anna is a lovely eleven year old, and both she and her mother were very open about the myriad of issues and difficulties that surround a person with spina bifida. These issues do not go away - they are with you for a lifetime. The visit was encouraging because it helped us to understand, not only what we can expect when Little B comes, but how, by God's grace, we will be able to deal with these issues. Here's a picture of Anna at a CATRA Fun Show. CATRA, in Grantville, offers therapeutic horseback riding that exercises the same muscles as walking. Thank you Beth and Anna for your encouragement!
Friday, August 21, 2009

working through the adoption process for some of the children at the Orphanage, and it is easy to be discouraged by the all the obstacles they are facing. Although overwhelming to us, not one detail escapes the eye, or knowledge, or will of our Creator. It is His hand that guides and oversees the course and life flow of every beating heart. Nothing is impossible for Him. He is working among hearts right now for Little B. Everything will work together for His ultimate glory. He knows what He is doing. Our God is a God of details :-) The best artist that ever lived and continues to live is working each detail to create His masterpiece.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wedding Day.... Today, my brother Jeremy got married! In all the preparation, planning, and guests arriving , being pro-active on behalf of Little B has been temporarily pushed to the back burner (although he is still on the forefront of our hearts). Not a day goes by that we do not think of him. We'll continue to keep you updated as we receive more information, despite the busyness and "pause"of the celebratory moment. Another Kiehl added to the collection. Love you Jeremy &Justine :-)
Friday, August 14, 2009
More great news! We received another phone call today from a social worker at Hershey saying that an ophthalmologist is willing to see Little B pro bono! Again, this is a very BIG provision! Thank you LORD for again bringing compassionate and generous doctors into the life of this little child :-) Thank you for your provision and care for your children......You love each one of us more than we acknowledge or even comprehend :-) As we say "yes" to You and follow Your voice, may we recognize and see Your hand at work more clearly in our lives and the lives of those around us. Enable us, and fill us with your glory, that the light of Your splendor and holiness might spill out to those who are placed in our path. May we live in the spotlight of Christ alone, focused only on Him and radiant with His righteousness.
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
"Yippee!" My sister Abigail and I, along with two friends, were in the kitchen baking for our brother's wedding rehearsal dinner when we were interrupted by this ecstatic outburst. It was uttered by our mother who ran into the kitchen and jumped into the air with excitement. (I'm not kidding). "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it," she said (referring to her wild entrance) and proceeded to tell us that Dr. Dias, a neurosurgeon at Hershey Medical Center, is willing to see Little B pro bono! This is wonderful news! Dr. Dias is one of a team of three doctors in their Spina Bifida Department. We still need Hershey's financial department to authorize this so please pray that it goes through and that the other two doctors, a urologist and an orthopedic surgeon, come alongside and are also willing to see him free of charge. We love Little B, but even more, the Lord loves him and is opening doors for his care! What He purposes, no man can destroy, and what He brings about, no one can stop. He has begun this work, and He will continue it :-)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Note from Mama . . .
I hadn't planned to go on this trip until one of my daughters had to drop out, and I made a "spur of the moment" decision to take her place. I now know God had this trip planned for me from all eternity. A few days after we arrived, I was struggling and confided to Sarah that I wished I hadn't come and couldn't wait to go home. Every day I threw myself into the work, and every night I questioned God, "What am I doing here?" I was comforted by the knowledge that people were praying for me, and God has a purpose for everything.
Removed from our escalating life style here in the States, I saw afresh what was truly eternal. Halfway through the trip, I was drawn to a little boy with multiple handicaps. As I spent time with him, I saw his beautiful spirit, in spite of the hardships he had suffered, and I knew God was giving me his compassion for "one of the least of these."
Flying back to the States, looking out at the clouds enveloping us, James 2:14, "Your life is like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away," kept going through my mind, and I said, "Lord, I'm available and I'm willing, but you'll have to orchestrate everything."
God wonderfully gave my husband and my children the same compassion he gave me, and, Lord willing, we'll be bringing this little fellow to PA for medical care. The exciting thing about this "short term" mission trip is that it isn't over. It will impact our family, and many others for eternity. We have a great God! Praise be to Him!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
His Early Years...
Our little guy is six and a half years old but only the size of a two year old. This is his story: Born in a small village, he spent his early years living with his alcoholic mother. In the morning, she would nurse him and then leave him alone all day while she worked in the fields. Unable to move because of his spina bifida, he received no other nourishment or care until late in the day. This is how he spent the first five and a half years of his life. When his village found him lying next to his mother's dead body, he was turned over to an orphanage. He arrived severely malnourished, with no teeth and pressure sores on his body. His feet were curled up like balls but have now straightened out and look normal. The extent of his vision is uncertain. He has cataracts on his eyes and most likely has partial (and possibly severe) blindness. His bones were very fragile, and his left leg broke one day during normal activity. His teeth have come in, and, not surprisingly, some are decayed. He has since learned to eat solid food and sing. Into Our Lives... This summer my mother and I went on a mission's trip with a team from our church to work at the orphanage. It was at this time that we met Little B. In spite of all he has suffered, he has a sweet and cheerful spirit. He loves to clap his hands and sing a spanish cheer into which he inserts his own name. "Ole`! Ole`! Ole`! Ole`! ganara!" which means, "Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I will win/conquer/thrive!" We taught him the song “Jesus Loves Me” – “Cristo Me Ama” in Spanish - which he sang over and over. One morning, I greeted him, and hearing my voice, he said, “Cristo?” (What a reminder of who WE are to represent and be associated with as we walk in His footsteps!) There are thousands of children like this, but God brought Little B into our lives. Lord willing, our family is planning to bring him to the States for medical help in September. The Spina Bifida Department at Hershey Medical Center is considering his case, and the testing will be costly. We will also need to contact an ophthalmologist and an oral surgeon. Kids in Action is accepting tax-deductible gifts on his behalf, waiving all administrative fees, so that every penny donated will go directly to his needs. Please pray with us for God’s provision for this little fellow. Thank you so much! If you would like to give, please designate his name and project code number: Project Code: #08072702 Kids In Action Attention: Carmen Delgado P.O. Box 11344 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 |
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