For Little B to be here, in our arms on Thanksgiving Day, is an answer to prayer! Together, we make a perfect dozen :-) Above, is a picture of all of us around the table (I'm behind the camera). James 5:13b says, "If anyone is happy, let him sing songs of joy. . . " There have been lots of songs of joy in our house this past week, sung by Little B. He has been a testimony to our family with the joy and happiness that overflows from him, despite all that he has been through in life. It is a blessing to see the evidence of God's hand at work in bringing him here, and of being a part of his life:-)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
For Little B to be here, in our arms on Thanksgiving Day, is an answer to prayer! Together, we make a perfect dozen :-) Above, is a picture of all of us around the table (I'm behind the camera). James 5:13b says, "If anyone is happy, let him sing songs of joy. . . " There have been lots of songs of joy in our house this past week, sung by Little B. He has been a testimony to our family with the joy and happiness that overflows from him, despite all that he has been through in life. It is a blessing to see the evidence of God's hand at work in bringing him here, and of being a part of his life:-)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A note from Abigail . . .
My excitement grew as I watched people coming from the flight to claim their luggage and go home. I loved going to the airport with my mom and sister to pick up our little baby and meet him for the first time in person though he had already won my heart. He is beyond adorable in real life and keeps capturing all of our hearts. I am teaching him the song "I am so happy, so very happy... I got the love of Jesus in my heart". He sings all day about how happy he is. I love to cuddle with him, get kisses from him, and sing and play with him. He is so dear and I love him so much . . . I can't get enough of him. He is a beautiful work of the hands of God!! Every time I look at him, I think of how beautiful he is and how God has a great and glorious plan for his precious little life. He has so much joy and love and I treasure him. I love to listen to Christmas music with him and he gets a big smile on his face when I sing along and we both clap in rhythm. To me, our baby is like a little miracle given to this world by the hand of God. Every time I see his little face and his little arms reaching for me and saying," Abba", I think of how the love of God is so deeply intense and beautiful. I see beauty in his face, and his love for me reminds me of the steadfast love God has for each one of us. I want to share the love of Jesus with him. As I rock him to sleep, and sing to him, I pray that he will possess the love of God and grow to be a man who is firm and steadfast in the knowledge and devotion to God. I miss him when I am not with him and I love to wake up and hear his voice and see his little face. I feel so blessed to be a part of his life and I think it it is dear the way he turns his face back and forth so I can kiss each side. As of today, he is very generous in his kisses. He is a precious example to me (and to everyone who sees him) of the handiwork of God. I am so thankful to God for allowing my heart to be captured by this precious child and to help love one who is held in the hand of our great God.
Little B is soaking in all of our affection like a sponge . . . and loving every bit :-) Today was National "Learn to Kiss Day" . . . and we received our first kisses from him (He loves making kissing noises) and were showered with kisses all day long. I even got Butterfly kisses from him when we were cuddling
Friday, November 20, 2009
Laughing, smiling and singing . . . all day :-) He's definitely unique . . . I wish that I had a little teaspoon of his happy, beautiful spirit. He's so adorable! AND we are teaching him our names (he pronounces mine: "Sar-duh" and cheers "Bravo!" after he says it :-)) We took him on his first shopping trip to get a few clothes for him to wear. He is so precious! Thank You Father, for allowing us to show Your love to this little life . . . for we are truly blessed in pouring out Your affection on this little man :-)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
He's HERE !!!!!!
"From the farthest corners of the earth, I called you . . . I have chosen you," declares the Lord Isaiah 41:9
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
In the Air tonight . . . In our Arms tomorrow
Hooray!! In 14.5 hours my little guy will be wrapped in my arms again!!!! New accessories are adorning our house in anticipation . . . a crib, a carseat, and a baby stroller . . . thank you WPC, Chicco & Graco for donating generously :-) The money we would have spent on these items can now be used towards his medical help! He is traveling right now as I write . . . as you think of it, pray for a smooth & safe trip :-)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
He's Coming!
Plans are made, tickets are purchase and this Thursday (November 19th at 12:30 pm) our little Peanut will be entering the United States for the first time! We were at church when I told Abigail, and she wanted to run outside and scream as loud as she could because she just needed to express her joy :-)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Held in the hollow of His hand
BUT ---in the details, God is at work :-) With grateful hearts we praise You, O LORD . . . joyfully we acknowledge an Awesome God whose steadfast love has no limits, whose eye sees every detail, and who hears and acts according to His perfect plan. It is a treasure to have our life held in the hollow of Your hand! Thank you for all You have done, are doing and will do on behalf of those You cherish . . . it is your mighty arm we see at work:-)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Another Bump in the Road . . .
Okay. Red tape, Red tape, go away . . . and don't come visit us another day . . .
We are now hoping for the weekend of November 21st for Little B's arrival. The citizens of Little B's country decided to have a two day strike which shut everything down . . . putting a temporary halt to the government & the progress of his paperwork :/ Arghhhhh.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Arms ready to recieve him . . .

Good News! Little B received his medical visa today! This is a big answer to our prayers :-) Thank you, Father, for seeing, for hearing and for extending your heart and your hands to this orphan! His visa is only for three months - we were hoping he'd be granted a year - but we'll have him with us for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and his seventh birthday! We hope to extend his visa for medical treatment as funds are raised. If we don't encounter any more red tape, Lord willing, he should arrive by the end of next week!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Roller Coaster Ride!!!

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