A note from Abigail . . .
"One thing I ask of the Lord. This is what I seek. That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. "
As we daily help Baby B with his physical needs, it reminds me of how incapable and weak we are to do anything apart from God. Though our love for Baby B is tainted with sin and selfishness God has loved us with a perfect love that covers us, and His grace in our lives makes us creatures of beauty, purpose and worth.
When I see God's intense love for us and careful watch over our lives, I am reminded that the home that I long for is the one to come. Our heavenly home is what we are being made for and each day of our life should be lived as one that will draw us closer to that day!
As we offer our love to Baby B, I pray that he would feel, know, and believe the love of God himself, so that he too will long to live and love God and yearn for the day when he will see Christ face to face! For when our vision is set on Christ then all else will fade away in light of the great God we serve and the great homeland for which we are bound!
" Your identity is in eternity and your homeland is in heaven. When you grasp this truth, you will stop worrying about having it all on earth." -Rick Warren