Sunday, January 3, 2010

A note from Abigail . . .

Surrendered people obey God's Word even when it doesn't make sense." -Rick Warren

Recently, we received the disheartening news that the medical facility where we had hoped baby B would go for eye surgery fell through. Although this struck a chord of fear within some of our hearts, we know that we can trust God with anything that doesn't make sense as His thoughts are far higher than ours. Only when we reach our last resource and when it feels like all else has been stripped from us that the fog from our eyes can clear so that we will have a heart and mind of greater faith. For is not the Christian life all about surrender to the will and heart and mind of God? Are we not called to pursue him, yearn for him, to cry out, and to trust Him to be glorified? Should His glory not be the pinnacle of our life, our heartbeat and the very reason for which we live?

If God did not work in His way by closing doors we wanted open, I think we would remain spiritually immature and would not grow in faith and trust that all things in life come from the hand of God, and we would never see the doors that God may open in response to the ones He shuts. God desires to be the source of our highest hope and greatest measure of strength, yet how many times we run from this!

Recently, I have been convicted that I have taken for granted that Baby B is in the States. I have not been praying and seeking the face of God as I am called and commanded to, so why do I expect God to do for us what we want when I have not been persistent and bold in asking Him to work out His will? There is an urgency to trust the character and love of God even more than ever and to call upon his Name and believe with a faith that is beyond our ability.

As our family is learning that strength is found in surrender, we are resting in the everlasting knowledge that whatever the outcome, it will be for our good and God's greatest glory. In this journey we are finding our strength comes from God as we daily surrender all to Him who is able to do above and beyond what we in our weakeness would want or ask and therein lies the power!

"The greatness of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender." -William Booth

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